All About Retaining Walls
A retaining wall is a necessity in some yards. Basically, these structures are designed to keep soil and rocks where they are supposed to be so that they don’t come sliding down to damage the rest of your property.
A retaining wall can be constructed in a variety of ways. Some of the most common varieties include cantilever walls, gravity walls and anchored walls. Depending upon conditions in your yard, any of these might be appropriate.
These walls typically are placed on a slope that angles toward your home. This keeps debris from becoming a nuisance at all times, but a retaining wall is particularly helpful in a heavy rainfall as it prevents runoff from carrying away soil and causing a muddy mess on your property.
If you’re concerned that your yard might need this kind of feature, there’s no reason to worry. A retaining wall can be a beautiful and aesthetically pleasing addition to any landscape. That is especially true when they are designed and installed by a landscape contractor.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are retaining walls?
Retaining walls function by providing support to vertical slopes of soil. The soil that is retained by the wall, sometimes called backfill, is pushed by gravity towards its natural shape. By installing a retaining wall, the soil is held in place and the original slope is replaced with a graded, flat area which is easier to utilize for landscaping projects, yard usage, and many other functions.
Do retaining walls last?
Yes, these walls last for about 50-100 years and require little to no maintenance. Not only do retaining walls provide a utilitarian engineering purpose, but they are designed to elevate your landscape through decorative design and elegant architecture.The custom design that is added to your home will be around for years to come!
How high can you build a retaining wall in Edmonton?
Any retaining wall that exceeds 0.6 m in height, or is attached to the house, is required to be of an engineered design. A permit or design requirements can be obtained from the City of Edmonton's Development Services Branch. We take care of the design and the layout to bring your retaining wall dream to life.