Maintaining a natural grass lawn can be a time-consuming and expensive process. There are several problems associated with maintaining natural grass lawns that homeowners often face. These problems include water usage. Maintaining a natural grass lawn requires a significant amount of water to keep it healthy and green. This can lead to high water bills, especially during drought conditions. Regular mowing is necessary to keep natural grass lawns looking tidy and neat. This requires homeowners to invest in expensive lawn mowers, or pay for lawn care services. Fertilization and weed control is another constraint that can be avoided with artificial grass. To keep a natural grass lawn healthy, homeowners must invest in fertilizers and weed control products. This can be costly and time-consuming. Regular maintenance is not as demanding for artificial grass. Natural grass lawns require ongoing maintenance such as aerating, dethatching, and overseeding to keep them healthy and green. Artificial lawns offer a solution to these problems. They are low maintenance and require minimal upkeep. Unlike natural grass lawns, artificial lawns do not require regular watering, mowing, fertilization, or weed control. They are made of synthetic materials that are designed to look and feel like natural grass, but require minimal upkeep. This means that homeowners can save time and money on lawn maintenance. Artificial lawns are also environmentally friendly. They require no watering, which reduces water usage, and they do not require fertilizers or weed control products, which can have negative effects on the environment. Additionally, since artificial lawns do not require mowing, they do not produce emissions from lawn mowers.

What is an artificial lawn?

An artificial lawn, also known as a synthetic turf or fake grass, is a type of lawn made of synthetic fibers that are designed to look and feel like natural grass. It is a low-maintenance alternative to natural grass lawns and is becoming increasingly popular in residential and commercial landscaping. Artificial lawns are made of a combination of synthetic materials, including polyethylene, polypropylene, and nylon. These materials are woven into a backing material and then coated with a layer of rubber or latex to provide a cushioned feel and improve durability. The blades of the grass are designed to be long and flexible, mimicking the look and feel of natural grass.

Compared to natural grass lawns, artificial lawns have several advantages. One of the biggest advantages is their low-maintenance nature. Artificial lawns require no watering, mowing, fertilization, or weed control, which can save homeowners time and money on lawn maintenance. They are also more durable than natural grass, and can withstand heavy foot traffic and extreme weather conditions. Additionally, artificial lawns do not produce allergens like natural grass does, making them a good option for people with allergies. However, there are some differences between artificial and natural grass lawns that homeowners should be aware of. One of the main differences is the feel of the lawn. While artificial lawns are designed to feel like natural grass, they may not have the same texture or feel as natural grass. Additionally, artificial lawns can get hot in direct sunlight, which may make them uncomfortable to walk on during hot summer months. Finally, artificial lawns do not have the same environmental benefits as natural grass, such as reducing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere or providing a habitat for insects and wildlife.

The artificial lawn installation process

The process of installing an artificial lawn involves several key steps that are necessary to ensure a quality and long-lasting result. The first step is to prepare the area by removing any existing grass or vegetation and leveling the ground. Once the ground is prepared, a layer of crushed stone or gravel is installed as a base layer, followed by a layer of sand or special synthetic turf base material. Next, the artificial turf is cut to size and shape, and individual pieces are seamed together using a special seaming tape and adhesive. Edging is also installed around the perimeter of the lawn to keep the turf in place. Finally, a layer of infill material, such as sand or rubber, is spread over the surface of the lawn to help hold the fibers upright and provide cushioning.

Equipment used for artificial lawn installation includes hand tools such as shovels, rakes, and utility knives, as well as specialized equipment such as a power brush or infill spreader. Hiring a professional to install an artificial lawn offers several benefits, including the expertise to ensure the installation process is done correctly, access to specialized equipment and materials, and saving time and effort. Professionals can help ensure a longer lifespan for the turf and allow homeowners to enjoy their new lawn without worrying about the installation process.

The benefits of artificial lawns

There are several benefits to installing an artificial lawn. One of the biggest advantages is reduced maintenance. Unlike natural grass, artificial turf doesn't require regular mowing, watering, or fertilizing, which can save both time and money. Additionally, artificial lawns remain green and lush year-round, regardless of weather conditions or seasonal changes. Another benefit is the durability and longevity of artificial turf. Most synthetic turf products come with warranties that last for several years, and with proper maintenance, they can last even longer. Additionally, artificial lawns are more resistant to wear and tear from foot traffic and other activities, which can help reduce the need for repairs or replacement. Artificial lawns can also have environmental benefits. Since they don't require regular watering or fertilizing, they can help conserve water and reduce the use of harmful chemicals. Additionally, synthetic turf doesn't produce the same amount of greenhouse gases as natural grass, which can help reduce carbon emissions.

However, it's important to note that there are also some potential drawbacks to artificial lawns. For example, the materials used in synthetic turf can be non-biodegradable, which can create waste at the end of the product's life cycle. Additionally, artificial turf can get hot in direct sunlight, which can make it uncomfortable to walk or play on during hot weather. When it comes to comparing the environmental impact of natural and artificial lawns, the issue is complex. Natural grass has some environmental benefits, such as helping to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and providing a habitat for wildlife. However, it also requires significant amounts of water, fertilizer, and pesticides, which can have negative environmental impacts. Artificial turf, on the other hand, requires less water and chemicals, but may not provide the same level of ecological benefits as natural grass. Ultimately, the decision between natural and artificial turf depends on individual priorities and circumstances.

How to care for an artificial lawn

Despite being artificial, there is some maintenance that artificial lawns require. To prolong the lifespan and quality of your artificial lawn, it is necessary to rinse the turf at least once a week to keep the artificial grass free from unwanted stains, odors, and unwanted building up. The process is as simple as rinsing the surface with a hose while scrubbing with a broom. It is best to avoid using certain soaps and chemicals to minimize impacting the environment which is why it is always advisable to check the environmental friendliness of the cleaning products before using them. With occasional cleaning, the life span of your artificial lawn will be prolonged therefore benefiting you financially. Avoid keeping any vehicles or heavy equipment/objects parked over your artificial lawn as the weight can cause damage over time. Any open flames, such as from a fire pit, cigarettes. Etc, should be kept far from the surface of artificial turfs as the heat can damage the surface. Depending on the mineral content of your regions city water, constant exposure to water can cause a build up of minerals on the surface of artificial grass which will further lead to discoloration. Therefore it is best to avoid prolonged water exposure to artificial grass. By following these advisable points, you will be able to increase the lifespace of your artificial turf.

Artificial lawns in Alberta